No Arab loves the desert. We love water and green trees. There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing

(Prince Feisal, Lawrence of Arabia)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions

"Never tell your resolution beforehand, or it's twice as onerous a duty."  

John Selden

Every year I make little resolutions to myself in January and have already forgotten them by February. 

So... this year I have decided to blog my resolutions for 2011 as, although they may be 'twice as onerous' to stick to, if others know about them I may be more compelled to keep to them.

So here goes:
  1. To go on the Wii Fit at least 4 times a week - even if only to do the body test so as to keep track of my progress
  2. To be in shape to run the RAK half marathon next February - and ideally run the Dubai Marathon next January and use the RAK as my warm down!
  3. To have my own place to live 
  4. To learn to drive
  5. To have hold a dinner party where i cook a three course meal entirely on my own
  6. To blog a minimum of 12 times 
  7. To be able to hold a basic conversation in Arabic - and blog the conversation afterwards - preferably in Arabic text!
  8. To hand write at least 10 letters - and get around to posting them
  9. To clear my debts and start saving 
  10. To end the year, at least, as happy and as healthy as I have started it
Please feel free to prompt/encourage/help me throughout 2011 and the 'duties' that lie ahead and make sure you check back at the start of 2012 to see if I managed to prove Mr. Selden wrong.

Until next time

Scarf Girl